February 09, 2023

Cherbessa / Ethiopia

Flavor Profile:
Orange, Stone fruits, Honey, Syrupy mouthfeel.
Orange and stone fruit flavours.
It has a honey-like sweetness and a smooth texture.

Country of Origin : Ethiopia
Region 1 / Zone : Gedeo (Gedeo), > Gedeb (Gedeb)
Region 2 / District > Sub District : Worka > Chelbesa
Refinery/Washing station : Chelbesa washing station
Certifications : Organic
Variety : Welisho, Dega
Refining method/Process : Washed
Altitude : 1950 ~ 2100 masl
Crop year : 2021-2022

This coffee is grown with organic certification in the country of origin.

This is the third year we have purchased Cherbessa , and we feel that it has a slightly different character depending on the season. Ethiopian washed coffee is generally relatively light-bodied and light-feeling, but this coffee has a light, moist, syrupy texture. The smooth texture gives this coffee a beautiful consistency.

The Gedeo zone, which includes Yirgacheffe, famous as one of Ethiopia's leading coffee producing regions, is a special region in Ethiopia where particularly high quality coffee is produced.
This washing station was established in 2016 in the Cherbessa area of ​​Gedeb in the Gedeo Zone.

The Cherbessa Washing Station has been highly praised for its organic certification in Ethiopia and its consideration for the surrounding environment. For example, the station is built close to the cultivation plots of neighboring farmers so that producers do not have to walk long distances of more than 40 minutes carrying their coffee cherries.


The coffee is made from cherries purchased from about 170 farms in the surrounding area. Each farm is a small-scale farmer with about 0.5 to 2 hectares of farmland, and the average yield is about 4 kg per tree. Most of the farmers grow coffee at altitudes of 1,950 to 2,100 meters. Farmers also grow false banana trees and shade trees in the coffee bean cultivation areas, creating a cultivation environment called a semi-forest that is closer to the natural environment.

Refining method: Washed

The cherries are hand harvested and sorted immediately before the refining process.
The pulp is removed using a conventional disc pulper, then the fruit is floated on water and sorted into Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4, but we only purchase the highest quality Grade 1.

The parchment is then submerged in a tank with water for 72 hours to remove mucilage through fermentation. The fermentation tanks in the wet mill are made of ceramic, which not only gives the coffee a clearer appearance, but also speeds up the fermentation process and increases uniformity.

After that, it is thoroughly washed in a washing channel. This process is also done by gravity sorting using water. It is a traditional sorting method in Ethiopia and other parts of Africa. The higher the density, the higher the grade. After that, it is soaked in clean water for 2 hours.

After soaking, the parchment is moved to an African bed drying rack, spread evenly to a thickness of 2 cm, and dried in the sun for about 10 days to 2 weeks. After drying, the parchment is moved to a roofed warehouse, where it is manually removed of defective beans over a period of 2 to 4 hours, and the parchment is completed.

Please click the link below to purchase!
Chelbesa / Ethiopia🇪🇹

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