May 17, 2024

Retiro de Quisaya / グアテマラ

Flavour Profile :
Orange, Plum, Almond, Brown sugar.

Origin: Guatemala 
Producer: Juan Luis Barrios 
Farm: Retiro de Quisaya 
Region: Acatenango > Chimaltenango > San Martín Jilotepeque
Variety: Bourbon ( ブルボン )
Process: Washed (ウォッシュド)
Altitude: 1,600~1,700masl
Harvest: 2023

The coffee from Retiro de Quisaya farm boasts a well-balanced flavor profile, harmoniously combining bright and refreshing fruit notes reminiscent of oranges and plums with the gentle sweetness of almonds and brown sugar. The lively fruity taste makes it a perfect choice for iced drinks, especially as we head into the warmer seasons.

Juan Luis Barrios, the owner, is the fourth generation of a family of coffee producers with over a century of history. Under the ideal climate and altitude, the carefully cultivated Bourbon variety cherries slowly mature while accumulating sweetness. During the harvest, only the fully ripened red fruits are meticulously hand-picked, resulting in a clean and superior cup. The high quality of this coffee is evident from its multiple selections in the Cup of Excellence competitions.

The coffee industry in Guatemala began commercial cultivation in the 1850s. It has received international acclaim, with Guatemalan coffee being praised as "the world's best" at the Paris Exposition in 1888 and the San Francisco Exposition in 1915. The National Coffee Association of Guatemala (Anacafé) provides technical assistance and education to producers, sharing expertise to improve quality.

Most coffee produced in this country is high-quality Arabica. Leveraging abundant water resources, the coffee is meticulously processed using the washed method. Like the Barrios family, coffee farms with a long history and substantial scale have utilized their years of expertise and ample resources to gradually refine and evolve their cultivation methods over time. Many farms have their own wet mills and drying facilities, allowing them to maintain high quality by closely controlling the processing stages.

Over time, the knowledge of these large-scale farms has been passed down to small-scale producers and applied to their respective farms. As a result, Guatemala has developed a resource-rich and diverse coffee community that provides us with exceptional coffee experiences.
