December 08, 2022

Refisa  / Etiopia

Flavor Profile : 
Nectarine, Red Grapefruit, Dark Chocolate.


Country : Ethiopia
Zone :  West Arsi 
Region :  Nensebo 
Village / : Refisa 
Washing station : Refisa 
Certifications : Organic 
Producer : 648 members
Variety :  Welisho, Kurume 
Process : Washed 
Altitude : 1800-1970 masl 
収穫時期 / Harvest : 2021 -2022


West Arsi, where Refisa is located, is in south-central Ethiopia, 400 km south of the capital Addis Ababa, along the Harenna Forest National Park, which stretches at the foot of the Bale mountain.Only recently, this area has focused on coffee cultivation due to the difficulty of vehicle access. However, in recent years, small new coffee producers have started to develop Wild Forest Coffee (coffee cultivation mixed with forest) refining points, and production is gradually expanding.

Coffee cherries are delivered from 648 small producers in the surrounding area.
The growing environment is not so much a plantation as a forest itself. Refisa Washing Station is also certified organic in Ethiopia.2022 is the third year we have bought Refisa, and this year's coffee has a more intense aroma and sweetness, like concentrated fruit.


Cherry Selection:
Harvesting begins in November each year. All coffee cherries are harvested manually and then sorted before entering the refining process.

Pulping and Pre-Grading:
The coffee cherries are separated into pulp and seed using a disc pulper, which is common in Ethiopia.
They are then floated in the water and sorted into Grades 1, 2 and others according to specific gravity.

The parchment is placed in a tank and in water for approximately 48 hours to remove the mucilage. 


Washing and Grading in Channels:
Once the fermentation process is complete and the parchment has been cleaned of mucilage, the beans are washed clean in the washing channels, again graded according to density.

Light, floating beans are removed, leaving only the denser, heavier beans for the higher grades.
Fuglen only buys Grade 1.
The beans are soaked in water for two hours to prepare their moisture content for drying.

Drying and Hand sorting:
It is then dried on African beds to a thickness of 2 cm.The drying period lasts for ten days, stirring the beans every 2-4 hours to avoid any unevenness.The beans are removed by hand at the completion.



→ 準備中!

関連記事 : エチオピアのトレーサビリティ

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