March 22, 2023

Weemel Grau / Honduras

Flavor profile:
Red Apple, Hibiscus, a hint of Honey, mild sweet aftertaste.


Producer : Wilmer Alexis Grau Montoya
Country of Origin : Honduras
Region : Intibuca > Masaguara > Pozo Negro
Farm : Montecillos
Variety : Bourbon
Process : Washed
Altitude : 1670m
Harvest : 2022


 Honduras holds the title of the largest coffee producer in the Central American region, ranking third in Latin America and sixth in the world.The country is administratively divided into 18 prefectures, of which 15 are involved in coffee cultivation.
Intibuca is a well-known coffee-growing area located in the southwestern part of Honduras. One of the coffee producers in this region is Wilmer Alexis Grau Montoya, referred to as Wilmer hereafter. Most of the farmers who grow coffee in this area are smallholders. Wilmer's farm is situated at an altitude of around 1670m and consists of various plots established along the slopes of the mountain.

He owns a small coffee mill and an African bed, operating one of the largest plantations in the Pozo Negro region. He is a prominent figure in Pozo Negro's coffee production and processes not only his own coffee but also his mother Joaquina's and neighboring growers' coffee.

Harvested cherries are soaked in water before processing to remove the floaters that rise to the surface.

The cherries are then de-pulped by a manual pulping machine connected to a motor.

The mucilage is sometimes removed with a mechanical pulper, but the cup quality seems to be higher when it is fermented in the parchment state and then washed in the waterway.

There is a dry mill in the final stage of processing green coffee beans. A large milling company won't run the mill for a small lot as it is expensive. A lot refers to a group of green beans classified by section, variety, harvest date, etc.

As a result, small farmers have to produce a large lot to get the mill running, and they often mix it with the harvest of neighboring producers to create a lot. This kind of structure results in anonymous producers, and the coffee is mixed with other coffees of varying quality to create regional blends.

High traceability is crucial when purchasing high-quality coffee.
The project in this region, facilitated by Nordic Approach (a coffee agent), separates each producer's coffee by lot, processes and mills it, and allows producers to access higher premiums based on the coffee's quality.

As roasters, we benefit from this initiative as it enables us to discover high-quality coffee that is unique to each producer. Apart from improving the processing, Wilmer is also proactive in capital expenditures, using premiums from his coffee sales last year to construct larger floating tanks for cherry sorting before processing.


For Purchase, please visit the link below!
Wilmer Grau🇭🇳

Wilmer Grau's tasting video is up on YouTube!
Click here !

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