KENYA 2018-2019 シーズン

KENYA 2018-2019 season

July 18, 2019

I purchased two types of coffee this year from the Kenyan selection that I cupped at the lab in March.
It should be available to everyone around September.

As a new information, this time we have translated into Japanese an article about Kenya by Nordic approach coffee buyer and agent in charge of East Africa, Alexander.

When I had the Kenyan coffee, it tasted like blackcurrant juice and didn't taste like coffee at all.
And it's the flavor that many look for in Kenyan coffee, but it's disappearing.

Coffee Berry Disease

When I visited Kenya last November, I witnessed the difficult situation faced by the producers.

A 60% to 80% reduction in production was expected due to the impact of Coffee Berry Disease caused by heavy rains and cold weather. Even so, most producers tried to minimize production losses by taking early measures against diseases such as copper spray. It is also expected that some producers will increase production.

However, along with the good news from this proper response, it seems that we also have to accept that CBD is also affecting the flavor of Kenyan coffee.

Flavors such as blackcurrant, blackberry and blueberry are still possible, but increasingly difficult. Lately, I've noticed more lemon, red berry, apple and floral flavors. Changes in soil conditions, changes in temperature and other uncertainties seem to contribute to these variations in flavor.

Among them, CBD-tolerant hybrid Ruiru is attracting attention as one of the solutions. Ruiru has a high production volume, and in areas where CBD is popular, switching to this Ruiru is a good idea, but there are concerns about the impact on cup quality.

To soften the strong acidity

In Honduras, we are experimenting with natural processes that lengthen the fermentation process, balance the punchy acidity, and amplify the sweetness in order to soften the sharp acidity of the Parainema variety. Kenyan growers are also learning from the Honduran coffee community's efforts to solve the problem of rising acidity.

Another measure is to transplant Ruiru trees to SL28 which has strong roots and in a few years it will be possible to see the results of this type of coffee splitting from normal Ruiru. .

In the process of spreading Ruiru to Kenya with measures to increase and maintain yields, it may be inevitable that the desire for similarly powerful blackcurrant juice will sink into the shadows of dreams.

Still, the shift to fresh apple, berry and citrus flavored coffees has begun, and it is wonderful in its own way, elegant and layered, with fresh fruit flavors being our favorite flavors. does not change.

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